just one thing Blog
Nutrition and Lifestyle Tips ... Quick reading and lots of resources
to make doing "Just One Thing" a realistic goal!
to make doing "Just One Thing" a realistic goal!
What do canned tomato sauce, flavored yogurt, salad dressing and bagels have in common? They each have at least a teaspoon of added sugar!
“Added sugar” is different than natural sugar, which is found in fruits, vegetables, and unflavored milk; it adds flavor and structure to these foods and gives your body energy. On the other hand, added sugars do all that but more, contributing to dental caries, weight gain, and chronic disease. Sugar sweetened beverages are one of the biggest sources of added sugar in the U.S. and globally. Just one 12-ounce can of soda provides over 30 grams (which is more than 7 teaspoons)! To put that into context, the American Heart Association recommends limiting added sugar to no more than 6% of calories, which is about 25 grams (6 teaspoon) for women and 30 grams (7 teaspoons) for men. Other beverages high in added sugar include fruit drinks, coffee drinks, and energy drinks as well as sports beverages, smoothies, and flavored yogurt. Coffee creamers and hot chocolate mixes serve up 5-8 grams per tablespoon (and who uses 1 tablespoon?). Another significant source of added sugar is breakfast food, including cereal, cereal bars, sweetened instant oatmeal, pastries, toaster pastries, and even some breads. Even if you avoid the most obvious sources, start to read food labels to choose the dressing, peanut butter, and sauces with the lowest sugar content. With the average intake of added sugar in this country topping 22 teaspoons daily, or 130 pounds per year, it’s time to start listening. Forget the math. Just eat smarter – water instead of sweetened beverages, oats instead of sweetened cereal, whole foods instead of boxed mixes, and spices in place of sauces. JUST ONE THING: Skip all sugar-sweetened beverages this week. Your taste buds will adapt and learn to appreciate fresh, natural flavors, saving you from sugar’s dark side.
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